How to Install SimpleNote on Ubuntu Linux

This tutorial will be showing you how to install SimpleNote on Ubuntu Linux. SimpleNote is an open-source alternative to EverNote. It’s free, lightweight and available for Linux, Mac, Windows, Android, iOS and the web. SimpleNote is developed by Automattic, the same company behind WordPress blogging platform.

SimpleNote features:

  • Automatic sync between your devices.
  • Revert your notes to previous versions
  • Share your notes to others for viewing and editing.
  • Create a public URL for your notes
  • Organize notes with tags
  •  Pin your notes so that you can easily find them.

How to Install SimpleNote on Ubuntu Linux

Go to the official SimpleNote website and download the deb package. There’s also a generic Linux binary (.tar.gz) for other distributions.

install simplenote ubuntu

If you prefer terminal, then use the following command to SimpleNote deb package.


Once it’s downloaded, install it with dpkg.

sudo dpkg -i simplenote-1.0.8.deb

Then start it from Unity Dash or your preferred app launcher. If the app icon doesn’t show up, try logging out and logging back in.

simplenote ubuntu

You will need to sign up for a new account.

how to install simplenote on linux

You can change the default white theme to a dark theme.

install simplenote ubuntu 16.04 Linux

Other Note-Taking Apps for Linux

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2 Responses to “How to Install SimpleNote on Ubuntu Linux

  • Clive G-C
    3 months ago

    This has to be the single most reliable and effective Linux how-to I’ve ever used. Thanks

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