5 Things You Should Know About Linux As A Beginner

Like Windows, Mac OS, and iOS before it, Linux is an operating system. In recent years, it has accumulated nearly 32.8 million users, with the market share looking to surpass 4% by 2027.

It originated as a Unix derivative, with various usable forms such as Centos, RHEL, and Ubuntu, and this linux logging guide demonstrates one of the most secure and adaptable operating systems out there. Android, for instance, is powered entirely by the Linux operating system, which manages the communication between their software and hardware.

5 Things You Should Know About Linux As A Beginner

Being more notoriously secure than other operating systems, it has become one of the most utilised systems by businesses, especially in the US, where the average cost of each data breach amounted to around $9.44 million.

In 2023, it will become more important than ever to protect companies from the increasing number of cyber-attacks which threaten to derail a company’s progress. That starts with a strong operating system, which is why as many as 1,714,446 companies have implemented Linux – with the majority being found in the US and Information Technology and Services industry.

There are many reasons that demonstrate why Linux is one of the best systems for security, but for many developers, the tools that Linux provides can be complicated, and a logging guide can be difficult to understand at the get-go. If you are running a small company, however, and you would like an operating system that provides comfort and reliability, then you don’t need to know everything.

Sometimes the basics can be enough to inform a decision, and you will be able to achieve a number of things with Linux even if you are not an expert. With this in mind, here are 5 simple benefits to know about Linux and why it’s such a strong system for business:

Open Source Software

The first thing to know is that Linux is an open-source software, meaning the code is available to the public under the GPL licence. This means that a great number of distributions of Linux exist, with custom features that could specifically suit the company that you are running.

It is also important for many companies to be able to have access to the coding itself. When investing in something that is going to be the backbone of your company, an open-source nature can be hugely beneficial when it comes to transparency, observability and visibility.

Security And Stability

While not invulnerable to cyberattacks, Linux is certainly more secure when compared to other operating systems like Windows or Mac OS. If you have used either of these systems before, you’ll be more than aware of the malware protections that are installed and updated in an attempt to prevent breaches.

The core design of Linux, however, makes it harder to compromise from the offset. It is also less prone to crashes. When considering the importance of smooth operations in business – especially when it comes to the end-user experience – this is a simple yet significant feature.


There is a misconception that Linux is a system for experts who are familiar with all the intricacies of system maintenance and how to manage a complicated UI. But, as mentioned before, you can be a novice and make just as much use of a system like this.

The current distributions of Linux, for example, are incredibly user-friendly, with GUI (graphical user interfaces) that can smooth out the process of installation and utilisation for any company that is new to the service. This is one of the other instances in that Linux wins against Windows. Whilst Windows can be cumbersome to navigate, Linux has stripped it back to basics. The Ubuntu variation, for instance, is the most well-known system for beginners wanting a simple, easy experience that does not overcomplicate their procedures.

Built For Battle

It isn’t just the security and stability of Linux which turns the heads of companies around the world. It is built to handle the most demanding multi-cloud environments, meeting all of the demanding corporate needs – including database management, web services and network administration. All the most powerful tools come pre-installed – compared to the packages that operating systems like Windows might offer – and it also offers SSH support, allowing server management to be far more simple and efficient.

This is even more impressive when considering that the installation of most variations is a no-cost investment – which also means that there is no vendor lock-in. Of course, if you are a rapidly growing business, then it is still important to purchase support for the system, but the software itself can be free.


One of the other issues with alternative operating systems is that they are constantly collecting information from users. If you value privacy and protection, however, Linux’s open-source code means that there is no extrapolation of data.

In fact, most variations of Linux do not monitor behaviour for bug-fixing. This is because the open-source code is open to all, so if a user was to put tracks into a program, it would be noticed and called out. In terms of spyware, malware and viruses, too, the open-source code allows them to be spotted and dealt with in a proactive sense rather than a reactive one.

There is certainly a lot to learn when it comes to Linux, but for now, the basic benefits should be enough to make it a strong contender as your new operating system going into 2023.

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