How to Quickly Get Linux System Information in Terminal with Screenfetch

This quick tutorial is going to show you how to get your Linux system information in terminal with a command line utility called screenfetch.

Screenfetch can display the following information:

  • the name of your distro
  • Linux kernel version
  • uptime
  • the number of installed packages on your system
  • shell name and version
  • screen resolution
  • the name and version of your desktop environment
  • window manager
  • theme, font
  • CPU, GPU and RAM info

First let’s see how to install screenfetch on Linux. Screenfetch is available in most Linux distribution repositories.

Install Screenfetch on Your Linux Distro

Debian 8, Ubuntu 16.04/16.10, Linux Mint 18, Elementary OS Loki

Open up a terminal window and run the following command:

sudo apt install screenfetch

If you want to get the latest version as soon as possible, then install screenfetch from PPA.

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:djcj/screenfetch

sudo apt update

sudo apt install screenfetch

Install Screenfetch on Fedora, Korara

sudo dnf install screenfetch

Install Screenfetch on Arch Linux, Manjaro, Apricity OS

sudo pacman -S screenfetch

Using Screenfetch to Get Linux System Information

It’s very easy. Simply run the following command in terminal:


You will see an ASCII logo and various information.

 linux system information

How to Automatically Display System Information

If you want to display these info upon launching your terminal without having to manually run screenfetch command, then all you need to do is to add the command in your .bashrc script.

Edit .bashrc script with a command line text editor such as nano.

nano ~/.bashrc

Add screenfetch command at the bottom of the file like below.


In nano text editor, press CTRL+O to save the file, then press CTRL+X to exit. Close your terminal and re-open it. You should see your Linux system information without manually typing screenfetch command.

That’s it! As always, if you found this post useful, then please subscribe to our free newsletter or follow us on Google+Twitter or like our Facebook page. Thanks for visiting!

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2 Responses to “How to Quickly Get Linux System Information in Terminal with Screenfetch

  • ijstaartindeoven
    2 months ago

    Instead of Screenfetch i use Neofetch. It displays more info then Screenfetch.

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